A Hollow Kind of Patriotism
The economic and geopolitical consequences of America First nationalism are going to be disastrous—not least for Americans themselves.
A collection of 11 posts
The economic and geopolitical consequences of America First nationalism are going to be disastrous—not least for Americans themselves.
Yugoslavia is dead, and it isn’t coming back.
I wasn’t a patriot until it had all gone; then I would have sold my soul to buy it back. ~Tanya, in Malcolm Bradbury’s Eating People Is Wrong For more than 20 years, from the mid-’70s to the late-’90s, Morningside, a three-hour daily broadcast that mixed
As the US was convulsed by the Floyd protests and violence in 2020, the Chinese foreign minister had the gall to denounce the “systemic and persistent existence” of repression of “people of color.”
Hungarian politics is usually much less ideological than you think.
In modern-day China, nationalism is at its strongest when dealing with the idea—almost an article of religious faith—that the independent island nation of Taiwan is in fact a Chinese state and must be unified with the mainland as soon as possible.
Israeli political theorist Yoram Hazony talks to Toby Young about the national conservatism conference in Rome, where the speakers included Viktor Orbán, Matteo Salvini, and Marion Marachél, and why British Conservative MP Daniel Kawczynski should not have been reprimanded by his party for attending. Yoram recently wrote a piece for
The second and most impressive section of the book lays out Hazony’s principled arguments for adopting a vision of the world order characterized by an 'order of independent nation states.'
The nationalist’s nemesis is not the proponent of liberalism or progressivism, but the imperialist.
But is it “oppression”? There has been a tendency in recent years to water down definitions of certain words and then to misapply them.
Western leaders and policymakers who bemoan the referendum can, if they choose, flatter themselves as “realists.”