Weekly Roundup and the Consequences of Ukraine

Dear Readers,
The world that existed last week no longer exists.
Shocked by Russian aggression, the Western world has rallied to Ukraine's defence, spurred on by images shared widely on social media of Ukrainian courage and the heroism of Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky. The entire EU, US, UK, Japan, Canada, and Australia, have launched a financial assault on Russia, which is being described as the largest economic attack in history.
It appears clear that the Russian military did not prepare for widespread civilian resistance and for the Ukrainian military to fight in an unconventional manner. Ukraine is winning the information war, and the Russian army is experiencing significant losses. It is increasingly likely that a frustrated Putin will ramp up violence in ways that will devastate Ukrainian civilians, as well as risking an escalatory spiral with NATO—a nightmare of unprecedented dimensions.
Since last week’s newsletter, we have published four essays on the war. Former White House Counselor, Undersecretary of State, and special ambassador for the UN Secretary-General Matthew Nimetz has provided a comment on the conflict’s wider geopolitical implications. Francis Fukuyama similarly explains in stark terms why Ukraine matters to the West. Robert Tracinski uses the recent Olympics debacle to provide insight into a malignant form of nationalism, and a father shares a moving story of a family fractured by the invasion.
In the coming days we will have additional essays on the conflict, the renewed Western alliance, and the implications of the devasting assault on the Russian economy.

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