Saving the Animals
Assuring the long-term future of Earth’s wildlife requires more economic and technological development, not less.
A collection of 18 posts
Assuring the long-term future of Earth’s wildlife requires more economic and technological development, not less.
It is time to take environmentalism away from the environmentalists.
When “nuclear-loving greens” demand innovation, they imply something is wrong with current reactors, and slow down climate policy. This needs to stop.
The Simon Abundance Index 2024 finds Earth’s resources 509% more plentiful than in 1980.
Activists of all stripes will continue to preach that the end of the world is nigh, but that doesn’t mean that we should take them seriously.
Sustainable progress requires that ecological concerns be taken seriously and addressed rationally.
Hannah Ritchie’s new book offers reasons to be cheerful about the present and the future.
RTÉ’s ludicrous environmentalist docudrama Tomorrow Tonight reflects the Irish state’s perverse commitment to a politics of self-harm.
Civilisation has always been dependent on energy.
If the Davos crowd has demonstrated anything, it is the futility of their posturing.
The pro-nuclear movement is gaining traction despite vocal opposition
If Russia permanently cuts off natural gas exports to Germany, it will likely send the country, the world’s fourth-largest economy, into a severe recession.
The opposition to nuclear energy is not the only way in which mainstream environmentalists have, with the best of intentions, hurt the cause of climate action.
The coronavirus pandemic has caused massive backtracking and spin-doctoring among progressive parties over bioengineered vaccines.
For too long traditional environmentalism has led the way with unscientific beliefs and ideologies, attacking anyone who holds opposing opinions, while demanding that the world’s largest cake be baked without flour.