Why Do Men Dominate Chess?
FIDE’s new policy governing who can compete in women’s categories highlights the persistent sex imbalance at the game’s elite levels.
A collection of 74 posts
FIDE’s new policy governing who can compete in women’s categories highlights the persistent sex imbalance at the game’s elite levels.
Human Rights Campaign’s own data suggest trans Americans suffer a homicide risk that’s actually less than the U.S. average.
A new SPLC propaganda document claims to ‘expose’ a vast ‘Anti-LGBTQ+ Pseudoscience Network’ that’s supposedly targeting trans people.
In a new book, MIT philosopher Alex Byrne tracks our evolving understanding of gender dysphoria.
A new book explains how parents can help gender-distressed children who’ve come to believe they were ‘born in the wrong body.’
During a visit to the county she calls ‘Tranada,’ the veteran activist and author tells Quillette that ‘intersectional’ feminism often resembles a rainbow-branded offshoot of the men’s-rights movement.
Veteran activist, author, and pundit Julie Bindel talks to Quillette podcast host Jonathan Kay about the need to protect hard-won women’s rights from gender ideologues.
When my first son claimed he was trans, I eagerly ‘affirmed’ him. When his three-year-old brother decided he wanted to be trans, too, I realized I’d made a terrible mistake.
In their reporting on the medicalisation of dysphoric children, Australian journalists are now expected to comply with media guidelines drafted at the behest of trans activists.
Since the dawn of our species, the evolution of two distinct sexes has been fundamental to human reproduction. There is no such thing as a ‘sex spectrum.’
Many of us are simply tired of living in a society that gaslights citizens with officially sanctioned lies like ‘trans women are women‘
David Reimer's story is a cautionary tale of what can happen when you mess with a child's gender identity.
Even as other nations finally move to protect dysphoric youth from disfiguring treatments, Canadian politicians and educators continue to promote state-funded ‘gender journeys.’
In its treatment of gender clinics, the flagship investigative program of the Australian Broadcasting Corporation failed to present crucial evidence.
Across the English-speaking world, the discussion of trans rights is governed by taboos, sacred myths, and, in some cases, outright lies.