Universities Are Worth Saving
Those seeking to address the crisis on America’s campuses should resist the tendency toward nihilism—the temptation to conclude that we need to just (metaphorically) burn it all down. q
A collection of 19 posts
Those seeking to address the crisis on America’s campuses should resist the tendency toward nihilism—the temptation to conclude that we need to just (metaphorically) burn it all down. q
A team of researchers is analysing what factors lead American university administrators to embrace illiberal ideological trends.
When the CEO of a boardgame awards show boasted publicly that she’d be disqualifying all nominees who ‘identify as Zionists,’ her event was quickly dropped from North America’s biggest game convention.
A new SPLC propaganda document claims to ‘expose’ a vast ‘Anti-LGBTQ+ Pseudoscience Network’ that’s supposedly targeting trans people.
No movement that excuses the deliberate slaughter of innocent civilians—even under guise of anti-colonial ‘resistance’—can survive as a mainstream political creed.
A relentless focus on dubious forms of ‘oppression’ is alienating traditional leftists. Saving the progressive movement means returning it to its liberal roots
In a recorded DEI session on ‘Trans Inclusion,’ activist Adrienne Smith told the dissenting staff member, ‘I’m past the point of seeking a respectful debate.’
The violent treatment of Kellie-Jay Keen betrays the fanaticism and misogyny that has infected progressive gender politics.
It’s fine to concede the (originally) progressive nature of wokeism, so long as we also call out the movement’s betrayal of core liberal values
Social justice zealots think they can save the world by inventing absurd new ways to describe it.
An American Jewish community leader describes how puritanical ideologues are co-opting charitable organizations and activist groups.
How does one deal with those who claim that debate itself represents an agony beyond human endurance?
In 2018, the New York Times published an op-ed that illustrated the traditional conception of the public library. Under the headline, To Restore Civil Society, Start with the Library, sociologist Eric Klinenberg wrote: For children and teenagers, libraries help instill an ethic of responsibility, to themselves and to their neighbors,
I wasn’t a patriot until it had all gone; then I would have sold my soul to buy it back. ~Tanya, in Malcolm Bradbury’s Eating People Is Wrong For more than 20 years, from the mid-’70s to the late-’90s, Morningside, a three-hour daily broadcast that mixed
Last week, 53 top Canadian academic administrators convened in Ottawa for a biannual membership meeting of Universities Canada, a group dedicated to “providing university presidents with a unified voice for higher education.” The 89-page meeting agenda, which was leaked to me after the event, makes for an interesting read. The