‘As We See It’ and the Changing Discussion About Autism
The show frankly acknowledges issues frequently haunting persons on the autism spectrum.
A collection of 24 posts
The show frankly acknowledges issues frequently haunting persons on the autism spectrum.
Neurodiversity is on the right track, and I support the agenda as it builds upon the civil rights movement.
It’s notable that no-one on TikTok is diagnosing themselves with schizophrenia or severe personality disorders such as antisocial and borderline.
If you’re willing to endure the painful trial of self, you will be better for it in the end. And, with enough of us, the world will be better, too.
Teenagers are being told that puberty is a time for them to make decisions about sex and gender, this at a time when they have none of the life experience that would be necessary to make such existential choices.
Puberty had been distressing and rough. He’d began to cut himself, and saw transition as a way out.
Anime offers vividly coloured worlds, in which giant-eyed kids and anthropomorphized animals conduct heroic journeys against beautifully detailed backdrops.
I first met Jo and Carol in Manchester two years ago, when I spoke as a clinician on a panel at what is believed to be the first conference dedicated to the issue of detransitioners (people who once presented themselves as transgender, but then decided to live in accordance with
Gay men and women fought long and hard to be accepted for who they are, often battling reactionary bigotry in the process.
This isn’t to say that all causes of transgenderism are exogenous: the presence of neuro-atypical cognition comes up over and over, as does the sons’ process of discovering (or rejecting) their sexuality.
Many of the young men in question have, in moments of candour, hinted that their motivations for transition are unrelated to actual gender dysphoria.
The problem, he notes is that there is always going to be a required balance between our trusting inclination of accusations from an apparent victim, and everyone’s inviolable right of due process.
Individuals with a fragile ego structure also tend to be prone toward black-and-white thinking, which leads them to concrete rather than symbolic solutions.
I was on fire, and at the same time, I was fragile.
Instead of dispassionately inquiring into scientific questions, facts from politically controversial research are being distorted out of concern for how the data might be used by the worst among us.