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Escaping Cuba: Quillette Cetera Episode 38

A conversation with the Cuban student, poet and free-speech advocate, Justo Antonio Triana.

· 1 min read
An image of Justo Antonio Triana, a young man (around 20) with shoulder length brown hair and a beard. He is Spanish-looking.
Justo Antonio Triana.

Justo Antonio Triana is a Cuban poet, novelist, and free speech advocate. He is studying classical civilisation at Syracuse University and is interning with the Foundation for Individual Rights and Expression (FIRE).

Cuba’s Imprisoned Truth
An interview with the father of Cuban political prisoner Walnier Luis Aguilar Rivera.

In this conversation, Justo reflects on his experience growing up in Cuba under a dictatorship, highlighting the pervasive poverty and lack of freedom. Justo critiques the idealised vision that the Western left hold of Cuba, and expresses his disappointment in escaping oppressive Cuba only to experience cancel culture and self-censorship on American campuses.

This conversation also includes a reading of Justo’s poetry.

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