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Liberalism vs Realism with Matt Johnson: Quillette Cetera Episode 37

The future of liberal democracies, populism, and what Mearsheimer and realists get wrong about Israel and Russia.

· 2 min read
Composite image of Francis Fukuyama and John Mearsheimer against a backdrop of Israeli and Russian flags.
Francis Fukuyama and John Mearsheimer, two thinkers discussed in this podcast.

This conversation covers two main topics.

First, we discuss “New Theism,” a movement popularised by Tom Holland and his book Dominion. Proponents of New Theism argue that even the most devout Western atheists, such as Richard Dawkins, are culturally Christian, and that religion, including Christianity, plays a crucial role in promoting social cohesion, individual happiness, and other social benefits. They suggest that, although religious beliefs might not be empirically true, they have historically contributed to the success of Western civilisation and can still serve valuable societal functions.

Liberalism and the West’s ‘Crisis of Meaning’
Many liberals are strangely eager to concede that liberal societies are morally and spiritually bankrupt without religion to give life meaning.

The second half of the conversation critiques political realism in international relations, particularly the work of the popular realist John Mearsheimer and his tacit approval of Putin’s invasion of Ukraine and the Islamic world’s hostility towards Israel. While Mearsheimer argues that there’s something sinister behind the strength of the “Israel Lobby,” Matt Johnson contends that much of Israel’s support in the US is organic.

The Limits of ‘The Israel Lobby’
Mearsheimer and Walt still don’t understand American support for Israel.

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Zoe Booth

Community Engagement Manager and host of the Quillette Cetera podcast.

Matt Johnson

Matt Johnson has written for many outlets and is the author of 'How Hitchens Can Save the Left: Rediscovering Fearless Liberalism in an Age of Counter-Enlightenment' (Pitchstone Publishing, 2023)

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