Weekly Roundup and Ukraine in the Balance

Dear Reader,
This week's dispatch focuses on the unfolding situation in Eastern Europe. We have three pieces for you on the subject, one from Chris Miller, a Grand Strategy expert, analysing Putin's strategic intentions in What Putin Really Wants, another from regular Quillette contributor, Brian Stewart, on the Western response to the Russian threat in Ukraine in the Balance, and the last from Joel Kotkin on Eurasia's ascending power in The New Eurasian Century.
Other articles that you cannot miss this week include Jerry Barnett on how the importation of American racial politics is making the UK's race relations worse, David S. Wills on Ray Bradbury's prescient Fahrenheit 451, and Gil Troy on the history and current state of antisemitism in the US.
And finally, our Toronto-based editor, Jonathan Kay, speaks with two of the many ordinary working-class Canadians whoâve assembled in Ottawa in the "Freedom Convoy," in a podcast that is not to be missed:

Again, if you like these articles and appreciate our journalism, you can show your support by becoming a paying subscriber, and forwarding our newsletter on to family and friends.
Until next week,
Russia - Ukraine




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