Weekly Roundup

If there were a modern day Voltaire, or a 21st century Bertrand Russell, Steven Pinker would be it. So it is a tremendous honour for me to bring you an excerpt of Rationality: What It Is, Why It Seems Scarce, Why It Matters, by the man himself, in this week's roundup. For more of Pinker's insights, you can also catch a terrific interview with Pinker by Richard Hanania, over on Substack, and Razib Khan's review on Unherd is also highly recommended. (And stay tuned for a Quillette podcast coming soon).
For lovers of obscure and arthouse film, don't miss "A Peculiarly Australian Kind of HellâRevisiting âWake in Frightâ" by Ryan Anderson published this week. The filmâWake in Frightâas well as Anderson's essay both capture unique aspects of the Australian experience that are rarely understood by outsiders, including the oppressiveness of the landscape, and the cultural conformity that arises from a geographically isolated population.

Finally, thank you to all of those who have subscribed to Quillette in recent weeks. We have received many notes of gratitude from long-time readers, which has been both encouraging and touching. In these polarised times, it is easy to become demoralised when outrage and falsehood spread faster, and prove more profitable than measured analysis and objective fact-finding. So it is a terrific boost when readers such as yourselves express your support, and back us financially.
We can't do our work without our readersâso for each and every one of you who have subscribedâthank you from the whole team!


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