Antiscientific Vandalism
Musk and Trump are inflicting catastrophic damage on biomedical research.
A collection of 17 posts
Musk and Trump are inflicting catastrophic damage on biomedical research.
Vaccination against UTIs is a novel idea that holds enormous promise, but clinical trials must be well-designed and carefully analysed.
A 2015 study found that black newborns attended by white doctors die at twice the rate of those in the care of black doctors. The study’s refutation last year has not altered the progressive narrative of systemic racism in medicine.
A prominent South Carolina doctor and transgender rights activist has made a great show of calling England’s Cass Review “a sham at best”—but now refuses to say why.
A landmark report properly emphasises the application of science, not slogans, in establishing treatment protocols for trans-identified children.
The success of the academy requires academic freedom and tolerance for viewpoint diversity. These critical values are under increasing threat.
Autism has become a catchall term to explain and dismiss the problem child. But it can also be viewed as a superpower.
Gender clinics from Stockholm to San Francisco have been running an uncontrolled experiment on children, while cloaked in the mantle of human rights.
The Nocebo Effect occurs when we experience pain, depression, or illness based on nothing more than negative expectations.
New pharmaceuticals appear to offer a genuine solution to the problem of excess appetite, that uncontrollable urge to eat more than we need to that keeps so many of us fat.
Evidence that clinical decisions are driven by unconscious bias remains conspicuously lacking.
The White House is claiming that the debate about childhood gender medicine is settled—even as numerous international experts are coming forward to say it‘s not.
Putting a patient under general anesthesia is a dangerous business. Waking a patient up from anesthesia is an ugly one. After I turn off the gas the patient typically thrashes and writhes like a sinner in Hell. Yet such resistance has never bothered me. I don’t want good and
Encephalitis recovery often takes years, not months, and some patients never fully recover.
True progress in medicine can only be accomplished when we maintain a consistent standard of scientific excellence and honest inquiry.