Weekly Roundup and Paul Berman on Roya Hakakian

Dear All,
This week, we offer an eclectic, timely selection of pieces, including curated responses to our recent roundtable on moral expertise, and a terrific essay by Paul Berman on Iranian-American poet, Roya Hakakian. Also be sure to check out our editorial on the disgraceful firing of Joshua T. Katz, whose penning of an editorial for Quillette ultimately seems to have led to his formal dismissal from my alma mater, Princeton University.
On our podcasts, Jon Kay chats with Aaron Sibarium about social panic at both Yale and Princeton, while I talk with Andy Bellin about George Plimpton and his time at the Paris Review on 27 Rouge.
Thank you as always for your engagement with heterodox ideas. And for those attending our event in Sydney, we look forward to seeing you on Friday.
Until next week,
Scott Newman, Associate Editor
Australian Election

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