Weekly Roundup and the Importance of Academic Impartiality

Dear Quilletters,
We have some absorbing new pieces for the contemplative reader. First peruse Marilyn Simon on Joel Coen’s adaptation of Macbeth, then Herman Goodden on James Joyce, and then for a side track, Adam Zivo on Cineforum, the coolest Toronto-based “indie” theater you’ve never heard of.
We have a terrific exposition on the importance of academic impartiality using Weimar Germany as an example. And for our quantitatively minded, we’ve got pieces on the mismeasure and misuse of GDP, and an analysis of what AI and machine learning may mean for capitalism. And don't miss evolutionary biologist Rob Brooks on Incel culture (AKA "young male syndrome") and how it relates to economic inequality.
On the podcast, Michael Shermer talks to Jon Kay about the politicization of Scientific American, which has become especially salient in recent weeks since the passing of EO Wilson.
And finally, Quillette alum Coleman Hughes's debut single is out now, aptly named Blasphemy. Have a listen:

Thanks, as always, for reading.
Claire Lehmann
Founding Editor
Weekly Round Up

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