The Faith of Systemic Racism
The radicals, always livid, always demanding more, insist that all this is window dressing. A sham.
A collection of 123 posts
The radicals, always livid, always demanding more, insist that all this is window dressing. A sham.
I grew up in the suburbs of Baltimore, Maryland, in a fundamentalist Christian community called The Lamb of God. What began in the mid-1970s as a small group of born-again hippies who played music, prayed together, and proselytized to whoever would listen about Jesus’s unconditional love and mercy, descended
Like it or not, hidden within those influential texts are the bizarre jargon and lunatic assertions of a mendacious madman.
The white Jewish leaders who attended were told in advance that they were expected to come and listen—to be seen and not heard.
Moving from Cain and Abel to Christ’s Sermon on the Mount, with some Egyptian myths thrown in, he reconnects his young audience to the religious tradition that was always theirs to inherit, but from which they have been estranged by their modern education.
Without faith or nation, there is no greater whole beyond the individual.
When one woman refused and snapped at them to “go away,” they attacked her with a chair and mop handle.
The underlying assumption of The Immortality Key is that the human need to reconcile itself with death is a core element of religion.
Everyone, Indigenous and non-Indigenous alike, is free to explore their own spiritual beliefs, of course. But the university is not the place for such exercises.
This mindset is nigh-incomprehensible to people of The Narrative who are used to being guided by a single source of truth enforced by social consensus.
It is difficult to believe in heaven, but it is also difficult not to believe in a heaven.
In modern-day China, nationalism is at its strongest when dealing with the idea—almost an article of religious faith—that the independent island nation of Taiwan is in fact a Chinese state and must be unified with the mainland as soon as possible.
For many established religious institutions, the pandemic threatens to exacerbate an ongoing retreat from organized religion.
North American Jews needed time to absorb the scope and originality of the horror they had been spared.
Because of my experiences, and the newly fashionable denial of reality being promoted by progressives, I find myself sitting with the politically homeless.