Weekly Roundup

Dear Quilletters,
This week, don’t miss Geoffrey Clarfield’s heartfelt eulogy for Richard Leaky, who was to paleoanthropology what E.O. Wilson was to sociobiology. A truly brilliant man with an extraordinary dedication to his craft and research, Leakey’s work has been enormously consequential for our understanding of human evolutionary history.
To learn about an especially objectionable, ongoing case of illiberalism in the academy, check out Stuart Reges’ "Against Land Acknowledgements."
From sexual selection and the female orgasm to A.I., a defense of the arts, philosophy, omicron, and the importance of science conferences, our other pieces cover diverse, stimulating territory that you may enjoy.
2021 was full of trials and tribulations, some of which have already spilled into 22. The tide is beginning to turn though, and here at Quillette, we’re all very much looking forward to the coming year.
As always, thank you.
Scott Newman,
Associate Editor
Weekly Roundup

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