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Best of the Web, 6th August 2017

· 1 min read
Best of the Web, 6th August 2017

In Defence of the Bad, White Working Class Shannon Burns, Meanjin

Gender Imbalances are Mostly Not Due to Offensive Attitudes SlateStarCodex

Engineering Education: Social Engineering Rather than Actual Engineering Indrek Wichman, James G Martin Center for Academic Renewal

National Identity Eases Cross-Cultural Trust Problems Tyler Cowen, Marginal Revolution

Have Smartphones Destoyed a Generation? Jean Twenge, The Atlantic

So Many in the West are Depressed Because They’re Expected Not to Be Brock Bastian, The Conversation

The Meditation Cure Robert Wright, The Wall Street Journal

Politics / Foreign Policy
Only the Truth Will Prevent Harm Sarah Haider, Free Inquiry

Racists Can be Left-Wing Too Ahmad Mansour, International Politics and Society

Rethinking the Population Control Taboo Peter Singer, Project Syndicate

Russia’s Trump Per Leander & Alexey Sakhnin, Jacobin

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